Sunday, August 16, 2009

The first quarter have passed. I,myself was asking how far did I learned? After 4 months attending my class did I do my job as a student well?Did I excert much effort to this quarter? What are the attitudes that I should have in making my grades more higher in the next quarter?
As a student is not that easy job.Projects and assignments are there. Sometimes if students have project as well as assignments, computer are there. Sometimes if students has assignments as well as projects, computer are there for them to research in order to pass it on time. Computer is very to all specially us a student. I'm very thankful that in our school have a subject computer. In our computer subject, I learn a lot of things about computer, I learn how to create a blog, I also encounter the History of Internet and many more. I'm very lucky that I have a teacher who is very intelligent and kind to her student. I have also learn a lot, not just about the subject computer but also a lot of good manners. In my first quarter of school, I did not yet encounter problems in the school in my other subjects.
I can say that I did my job well in the first quarter, and I have a good participation in my class but I need more effort to excert in the next quarter.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

speak well in english and filipino

Being a student, we should speak in English and Filipino languages because this are a vital languages. Most of us knows how to speak in English and Filipino, but some can't really express their feelings and words by speaking in English and Filpino. Some of us can't also speak in English and Filipino fluently. How can we convince and encourage them in speaking our international languages?
Lets encourage them through a campaign, like English and Filipino did in our respective school. English and Filipino is our international languages. For me, it is better to speak in our international languages so that we can easily communicate with other than speaking in other dialect that we can't understand each other. Sometimes we can't express our ideas and words when we are speaking in English and sometimes we also have wrong grammar, but I admit that even I commit some errors in my grammar and sometimes I can't express my feelings and words in speaking languages but we should keep on trying and practicing speak in our languages well. speaking in English and Filipino is very important in communicating with others specially in other nationalities. It is important specially when we are applying for a job and when we go to other countries for a job, we can easily understand and communicate with each others, because if we can't speak in this languages how can we find a job? How can we communicate with other?How can we make our life more meaningful and progressive if simply speaking in english, we can't? Practice more in speaking this languages tht someday it would help us in a better life.