Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Avoid lifestyle diseases,Proper nutrition are needed

"Health is wealth".Our health is very important in reaching our goals in life.If people are not healty,how can we reach our goals?We didn't even work how can we make our life more progressive?Health is one of the things that we care for and cherish too in our life.If we are healthy,we can live longer than those people who are not healthy and we can freely do the things we want to do,but how can we have a proper nutrition?What shall we do to become a well healthy people?.

Proper nutrition are one of the things we need to have a healthy body.In our everyday life,food is very important to our body.We can't live for a long time without a food,because food give us energy and that energy give us power and we can't move and even work,without this power,we can't do any of the things that we want to do.Our body also need energy to do different kinds of daily task and bodily functions and to keep as alive.We need those foods that have vitamins,minerals,calcium,iron,protiens and etc.Vitamins can give us energy in doing the various things that we want to do everyday .Calcium that we need to built strong bones and iron that we need in our body because it give or make our blood red in color.Balance diet is also very important.We should aware in eating foods that are not good in our body.We should eat foods from the basic food groups and we should develop the habit of eating fruits and vegetables because this fruits and vegetables are good sources of minerals and vitamins that can help us avoid our body in any diseases.

Proper nutrition is needed to avoid lifestyle diseases.